There I was, no lie. Every pair of work pants I own, are, simply put ...... tatered. Can't even put change in the
pockets. Soooo says I, "i'm gonna buzz on down to the thrift store, n buy some".
I'm thinkin as I walk in, "mask, mask, mask"
Ugh, there they are, two of em, wearin masks.
Now this mask wearin does some weird things to me. I'm sure there is a medical term or two to
describe said weird things. I dunno.
So I donned my mask (cut inner lining from an old over coat, black n silky, bandanna if u will) .
Then preceded to shop.
Fair enough to say, Ima bit flustered. Looked around, made sure I was in the men's section, found
tried on, fit, record time.
Until the next day at work.....................
Uh...... not alota room to work with here, n the front pockets r kinda .....................small.
I'm not sure, but my new work pants might be designed, for ladies.
And of course I threw the receipt away, immediately.
They don't even fit well with my long johns.
So the question is twofold, maybe three, have you ever had a purchase mishap? Did you just roll with it?
And I heard that nylons are super warm, is that true? ( that's a question for the ladies, I hope)
pockets. Soooo says I, "i'm gonna buzz on down to the thrift store, n buy some".
I'm thinkin as I walk in, "mask, mask, mask"
Ugh, there they are, two of em, wearin masks.
Now this mask wearin does some weird things to me. I'm sure there is a medical term or two to
describe said weird things. I dunno.
So I donned my mask (cut inner lining from an old over coat, black n silky, bandanna if u will) .
Then preceded to shop.
Fair enough to say, Ima bit flustered. Looked around, made sure I was in the men's section, found
tried on, fit, record time.
Until the next day at work.....................
Uh...... not alota room to work with here, n the front pockets r kinda .....................small.
I'm not sure, but my new work pants might be designed, for ladies.
And of course I threw the receipt away, immediately.
They don't even fit well with my long johns.
So the question is twofold, maybe three, have you ever had a purchase mishap? Did you just roll with it?
And I heard that nylons are super warm, is that true? ( that's a question for the ladies, I hope)
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