What is your argument finishing move, your best line to end an argument?
Do you come out with something to totally rip your conversational opponent to shreds in a Fatality?
Do you have a good line that ends arguments on a positive note?
Or do you just throw out something crazy that you hope will confuse the other person in the argument and make him go away?
Tell us your favorite lines that are great for ending arguments!
(Forum members who spend a lot of time in the BDF should probably stay out of this one... because your immense argument experience leaves the rest of us at a severe disadvantage in this field.)

Do you come out with something to totally rip your conversational opponent to shreds in a Fatality?

Do you have a good line that ends arguments on a positive note?

Or do you just throw out something crazy that you hope will confuse the other person in the argument and make him go away?

Tell us your favorite lines that are great for ending arguments!
(Forum members who spend a lot of time in the BDF should probably stay out of this one... because your immense argument experience leaves the rest of us at a severe disadvantage in this field.)
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