"early onset Schizophrenia". It is tough in this sin filled world so far from where He would have us to recognize His Holy Spirit speaking to us when we have one foot in His realm and one foot in the world.
There are only two kingdoms, His of light and the enemies of darkness. Job 33-14 instructs His Own that He speaks first one way, then another, so does the adversary, God speaks in compliance with His scripture, and in agreement with the Galatians 5 attributes of love,joy peace patience, etc. The devil in the opposite. We had very troubled inmates who had given their thought life to wrong, violent aberrant thinking for so long they no longer operated in Godly thinking, some going so far as to be "diagnosed" as mentally ill.
Dr, Caroline Leaf's work in neuro-plasticity teaches how every thought we make creates a protein like structure in the brain, that structure is complete and whole when in compliance with love, joy, peace, etc. it is malformed and incomplete when created in the opposite, adversaries way of thinking. This seems to be what leads to what is often called "mental illness, she goes on to state, "most people don't think about what they think about". it has an impact on our health, mentally and physically.
I know I can feel His presence manifest, so can many I pray for, I get text messages from people who can sense when I am praying for them. This world that is compliance with Newtonian physics is a construct He made for us, He operates in the Quantum realm where there is no space or time, no wonder Jesus can appear anywhere, anytime, to anyone. Recently, and from several sources, it has been reported Jesus appeared to all the villagers in a middle eastern country in one night, for those who were asleep, He appeared in dreams, for those awake He appeared in person, the whole village converted to Christ leaving islam in one night.
When God manifested we know Him, and we are to take everything to Him for His confirmation and not lean on our own understanding, we can never make a mistake if we are obedient this way.