the interrsting thing about this is for some people its no big deal and others its huge and for those who are suffering, trying to be positive when theres no end in sight seems insensitive.
for example, I am thankful that my employer is still paying me and even giving me a holiday at home while this virus is being dealt with.
but for those who maybe lost their jobs before lockdown and hadnt been able to find assistance it must be really hard, even worse because others arent seeing their suffering cos they in their own bubbles. And its not like I am. in a position to give them a paying job. I can say well start gardening, but if theyve never done it before and dont even have soil under the feet or any tools how can they begin it must be overwhelming.
and there are many out there like this which requires an organised effort to reach out, although some people can do little things one by one each day. I had a period where I was unemployed for over a year...and there were no decent jobs anywhere to be found. It felt like I had no future. the worse thing came from people who already had jobs or were retired as they didnt mean to but saw me not being employed as a sign I was lazy or not trying hard enough to get one.
for example, I am thankful that my employer is still paying me and even giving me a holiday at home while this virus is being dealt with.
but for those who maybe lost their jobs before lockdown and hadnt been able to find assistance it must be really hard, even worse because others arent seeing their suffering cos they in their own bubbles. And its not like I am. in a position to give them a paying job. I can say well start gardening, but if theyve never done it before and dont even have soil under the feet or any tools how can they begin it must be overwhelming.
and there are many out there like this which requires an organised effort to reach out, although some people can do little things one by one each day. I had a period where I was unemployed for over a year...and there were no decent jobs anywhere to be found. It felt like I had no future. the worse thing came from people who already had jobs or were retired as they didnt mean to but saw me not being employed as a sign I was lazy or not trying hard enough to get one.
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