Christians know and understand that all kinds of racism are wrong, since (1) God has created all men “of one blood”, (2) all have descended from Adam, (3) all are sinners, (4) all need to be saved by grace through faith, and (5) all need to become brothers and sisters in Christ. Christians also know that every race (ethnic group) is represented within the USA, and there is little or no racial conflict.
However, ever since the Marxist domestic terrorist organization known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) came into existence a few years ago, the evil idea that black racism is more virtuous than any other kind of racism is being promoted worldwide (and gaining a lot of support from feckless politicians). It is also heavily funded by the likes of George Soros (who hates America), since it is a political ploy meant to destroy the Western world, democracy, freedom, and nationalism. To say nothing of the destruction of American cities and monuments.
There was a time when white racism was quite prevalent, and it began with the colonial period of history. European nations went into other parts of the world and discovered that those countries were still living in abysmal conditions, but there were all kinds of natural resources which could be exploited for the benefit of Europe and the detriment of the third world. And this is exactly what happened.
In America, first the Spaniards, and then others discovered that here was a continent waiting to be exploited, with no regard to the people who lived there already. Hence the buffalo were exterminated, and the Indians were reduced to handouts on reservations (which had little value). The treatment of Native Americans was also a reflection of white racism.
But colonialism came to an end by about 1950, and since then white racism has been on the decline. Indeed it would be fair to say that in the USA there have been the most drastic changes in attitudes, and most of the white population is not racist. In a population of about 330 million, there may only be about 1 million White Supremacists, but they are not attempting to destroy America either.
Slavery in America ended in 1865. But white racism did not end at that time. However between 1960 and 2008, American blacks made tremendous progress in every occupation, and throughout society and government. “Systemic Racism” and “White Privilege” are simply Marxist slogans meant to incite the black population, since they have no reality.
When black Barack Obama actually became POTUS, it was a clear indication that racism in America was a thing of the past. But Obama himself was a black racist who hated America, and was trained in Communist tactics by Saul Alinsky. His agenda was to destroy America and promote blacks regardless of character or qualifications. And ever since he took office, black racism became a various serious cancer in America. But after Donald Trump took office, the hatred against whites by some (not all) blacks became very evident, and now BLM is using race to destroy the cities of America, while the rest of the people simply stand by. Trump was constantly accused of being a racist, even though there was no evidence to support such a baseless accusation.
There is no question that there are a few bad eggs in all the police forces, and they have used police brutality against black suspects for some time. By the same token the majority of criminals who commit murder in the US are blacks (and black on black crime is worse than black on white crime). But the issue of white police against black suspects could have been easily addressed by ensuring that there were sufficient black police officers to go into black communities and arrest blacks, so that the issue of racism could not come up. Now, because of a few white bad eggs in the police forces, BLM has been shouting to defund the police, and the corrupt and cowardly politicians in various cities have caved in to this nonsense. If the police are defunded, guess who will control the cities of America? All the mafias and cartels of the world are waiting with bated breath.
The latest evidence of black racism is the insistence by the Democrats (black and white) that Joe Biden must have a black woman as his running mate for Vice President. This is pure racism, since other qualifications have no bearing on this kind of identity politics. (And if this woman had been transgender, that would be even more delightful). But Kamala Harris is an extremely opportunistic and evil woman, who wants to promote extreme Socialism, as well as black privilege in America. She has absolutely no redeeming qualities, and Biden is being saddled with her, since in the end she would oust him (or have him ousted) and become President.
It is about time that black, white, Hispanic, Indian, and other voices were raised against discrimination on the basis of color, particularly favoritism of blacks over whites. There is no call for such nonsense. There is also no call for reparations, since the USA has more than compensated for the past with Affirmative Action, and other initiatives. It is also about time that someone told all those black athletes who have been *taking the knee* during the national anthem, that they can either be charged with sedition and treason, and be locked up, or they can abandon all such seditious activity and focus on sports. Once again we see that everyone has been simply caving in to black nonsense because they are all afraid of being called “racist”.
However, ever since the Marxist domestic terrorist organization known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) came into existence a few years ago, the evil idea that black racism is more virtuous than any other kind of racism is being promoted worldwide (and gaining a lot of support from feckless politicians). It is also heavily funded by the likes of George Soros (who hates America), since it is a political ploy meant to destroy the Western world, democracy, freedom, and nationalism. To say nothing of the destruction of American cities and monuments.
There was a time when white racism was quite prevalent, and it began with the colonial period of history. European nations went into other parts of the world and discovered that those countries were still living in abysmal conditions, but there were all kinds of natural resources which could be exploited for the benefit of Europe and the detriment of the third world. And this is exactly what happened.
In America, first the Spaniards, and then others discovered that here was a continent waiting to be exploited, with no regard to the people who lived there already. Hence the buffalo were exterminated, and the Indians were reduced to handouts on reservations (which had little value). The treatment of Native Americans was also a reflection of white racism.
But colonialism came to an end by about 1950, and since then white racism has been on the decline. Indeed it would be fair to say that in the USA there have been the most drastic changes in attitudes, and most of the white population is not racist. In a population of about 330 million, there may only be about 1 million White Supremacists, but they are not attempting to destroy America either.
Slavery in America ended in 1865. But white racism did not end at that time. However between 1960 and 2008, American blacks made tremendous progress in every occupation, and throughout society and government. “Systemic Racism” and “White Privilege” are simply Marxist slogans meant to incite the black population, since they have no reality.
When black Barack Obama actually became POTUS, it was a clear indication that racism in America was a thing of the past. But Obama himself was a black racist who hated America, and was trained in Communist tactics by Saul Alinsky. His agenda was to destroy America and promote blacks regardless of character or qualifications. And ever since he took office, black racism became a various serious cancer in America. But after Donald Trump took office, the hatred against whites by some (not all) blacks became very evident, and now BLM is using race to destroy the cities of America, while the rest of the people simply stand by. Trump was constantly accused of being a racist, even though there was no evidence to support such a baseless accusation.
There is no question that there are a few bad eggs in all the police forces, and they have used police brutality against black suspects for some time. By the same token the majority of criminals who commit murder in the US are blacks (and black on black crime is worse than black on white crime). But the issue of white police against black suspects could have been easily addressed by ensuring that there were sufficient black police officers to go into black communities and arrest blacks, so that the issue of racism could not come up. Now, because of a few white bad eggs in the police forces, BLM has been shouting to defund the police, and the corrupt and cowardly politicians in various cities have caved in to this nonsense. If the police are defunded, guess who will control the cities of America? All the mafias and cartels of the world are waiting with bated breath.
The latest evidence of black racism is the insistence by the Democrats (black and white) that Joe Biden must have a black woman as his running mate for Vice President. This is pure racism, since other qualifications have no bearing on this kind of identity politics. (And if this woman had been transgender, that would be even more delightful). But Kamala Harris is an extremely opportunistic and evil woman, who wants to promote extreme Socialism, as well as black privilege in America. She has absolutely no redeeming qualities, and Biden is being saddled with her, since in the end she would oust him (or have him ousted) and become President.
It is about time that black, white, Hispanic, Indian, and other voices were raised against discrimination on the basis of color, particularly favoritism of blacks over whites. There is no call for such nonsense. There is also no call for reparations, since the USA has more than compensated for the past with Affirmative Action, and other initiatives. It is also about time that someone told all those black athletes who have been *taking the knee* during the national anthem, that they can either be charged with sedition and treason, and be locked up, or they can abandon all such seditious activity and focus on sports. Once again we see that everyone has been simply caving in to black nonsense because they are all afraid of being called “racist”.
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