It does not look that way. What is happening today in the USA is history repeating itself. But those who are supposed to be protecting citizens from civil war, bloodshed, anarchy, chaos, Socialism, and Communism seem to have abdicated their responsibilities. In fact, those who had sworn to uphold the Constitution have turned around and are doing everything in their power to violate it. And the feckless politicians are standing by.
This is similar to the failure of Tsar Nicholas II to do right by his people, the failure of the Provisional Government after his abdication to do right by their people, and the failure of the revolutionaries to do right by their people. “To do right by people” is to do what is socially honorable, morally just, and beneficial to all.
The History Department of Ohio State University has published an excellent article about the Bolshevik Revolution which led to the establishment of Communism in the Soviet Union. Everyone should read it and learn from it. This article makes it perfectly clear that professional revolutionaries were involved to bringing revolution to Russia in 1917, a little over 100 years ago.
‘The “storming of the Winter Palace” has gone down in history as the climactic moment of the October Revolution. But overthrowing the existing government turned out to be the easy part. Over the next three years, the Bolsheviks (soon renamed Communists) would have to win power in a bloody civil war and reestablish order in a country that had descended into anarchy.’
The rioters in America are also paid professionals who specialize in murder and mayhem. Antifa has been rightly declared to be a domestic terrorist organization, but the Democrats are unwilling to accept that fact, and indeed support the rioters. O’Keefe of Project Veritas has said "In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchic left extremist groups — far-left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics," he said.
What is Socialism, after you remove the veneer of respectability from it? It is “the violent expropriation of private property and the trampling of individual liberties”. And this is exactly what the Constitution of the United States protects against. But when the Democratic Party of the USA has essentially said “F*** the Constitution”, then they plan to establish Socialism and Communism in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. That is exactly what Bernie Sanders was promoting, but all the others were supporting. Neither Sanders nor Biden nor any Democrat gives a hoot about “the working class” or the Black or Hispanic populations. They simply use them to gain power and privilege while they systematically destroy their own country.
“Soviet socialism continued to be seen as an existential threat to liberal democracy and capitalism”. And the failure of Communism has shown that there will never be a Communist Utopia. The party bosses will grab everything they can, and leave the rest of the country to rot. Russia today is a good example, yet the Leftists in the USA want this. What China has done to Hong Kong should be an object lesson for Americans.
But it does not end there. Bolshevism led to Stalinism, which was even more brutal than Nazism, and multi-millions died for nothing. The state became the god of the Soviets, and any and all dissent was ruthlessly crushed. This is now true in China, but the weak and ignorant Western politicians did not learn any lessons. They became chums with the Chinese Communists and shipped all the industries and jobs to China.
The bogus panic created by the Wuhan virus pandemic introduced totalitarianism to North America. It is now crystal clear that there was absolutely no need for the lock downs, and they accomplished absolutely nothing. However, they did accomplish China’s goals for the USA – the destruction of the economy and social unrest which has led to rioting, looting, arson, murder, violence, and hatred in almost all the cities of America. If President Donald Trump does not take decisive action against the Anarchists, then the USA will descend into chaos and criminals will be free to roam the streets doing as they please, while criminals govern the land.
Christians know that the master manipulator behind evil and chaos in Satan. And as we approach the end of the age, sin and evil will grow exponentially. But this is also the time for the power of the Gospel -- the power of God unto salvation -- to be manifested worldwide.
This is similar to the failure of Tsar Nicholas II to do right by his people, the failure of the Provisional Government after his abdication to do right by their people, and the failure of the revolutionaries to do right by their people. “To do right by people” is to do what is socially honorable, morally just, and beneficial to all.
The History Department of Ohio State University has published an excellent article about the Bolshevik Revolution which led to the establishment of Communism in the Soviet Union. Everyone should read it and learn from it. This article makes it perfectly clear that professional revolutionaries were involved to bringing revolution to Russia in 1917, a little over 100 years ago.
‘The “storming of the Winter Palace” has gone down in history as the climactic moment of the October Revolution. But overthrowing the existing government turned out to be the easy part. Over the next three years, the Bolsheviks (soon renamed Communists) would have to win power in a bloody civil war and reestablish order in a country that had descended into anarchy.’
The rioters in America are also paid professionals who specialize in murder and mayhem. Antifa has been rightly declared to be a domestic terrorist organization, but the Democrats are unwilling to accept that fact, and indeed support the rioters. O’Keefe of Project Veritas has said "In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchic left extremist groups — far-left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics," he said.
What is Socialism, after you remove the veneer of respectability from it? It is “the violent expropriation of private property and the trampling of individual liberties”. And this is exactly what the Constitution of the United States protects against. But when the Democratic Party of the USA has essentially said “F*** the Constitution”, then they plan to establish Socialism and Communism in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. That is exactly what Bernie Sanders was promoting, but all the others were supporting. Neither Sanders nor Biden nor any Democrat gives a hoot about “the working class” or the Black or Hispanic populations. They simply use them to gain power and privilege while they systematically destroy their own country.
“Soviet socialism continued to be seen as an existential threat to liberal democracy and capitalism”. And the failure of Communism has shown that there will never be a Communist Utopia. The party bosses will grab everything they can, and leave the rest of the country to rot. Russia today is a good example, yet the Leftists in the USA want this. What China has done to Hong Kong should be an object lesson for Americans.
But it does not end there. Bolshevism led to Stalinism, which was even more brutal than Nazism, and multi-millions died for nothing. The state became the god of the Soviets, and any and all dissent was ruthlessly crushed. This is now true in China, but the weak and ignorant Western politicians did not learn any lessons. They became chums with the Chinese Communists and shipped all the industries and jobs to China.
The bogus panic created by the Wuhan virus pandemic introduced totalitarianism to North America. It is now crystal clear that there was absolutely no need for the lock downs, and they accomplished absolutely nothing. However, they did accomplish China’s goals for the USA – the destruction of the economy and social unrest which has led to rioting, looting, arson, murder, violence, and hatred in almost all the cities of America. If President Donald Trump does not take decisive action against the Anarchists, then the USA will descend into chaos and criminals will be free to roam the streets doing as they please, while criminals govern the land.
Christians know that the master manipulator behind evil and chaos in Satan. And as we approach the end of the age, sin and evil will grow exponentially. But this is also the time for the power of the Gospel -- the power of God unto salvation -- to be manifested worldwide.
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