Years ago.....goodness, don't even remember.......maybe in the late 90's, Huntsville, Alabama banned a church from singing and playing their music on Sunday mornings because it could be heard from the street.
Now, one has to understand that this Church was located on 231 South........south of Huntsville City by some 4 miles and the ONLY THINGS around it were 2 Strip Clubs, a State Liquor Store and a Gas Station..............
the Strip Club Owners of Double D's and Fantasia complained.............. this is a TRUE story, I will never forget it because they appealed, and lost on their appeal at the State level......
So much for separation of Church and State, and that pesky old 1st Amendment thing. It was the first sure fire proof that Governments at all levels will side with those that generate tax dollars far quicker than those that do not................