Things to consider:
How many ways can a person be saved?
How many denominations are there, are they all correct in their theology? If not which one is right?
If there were 12 Apostles what was the purpose of including Paul?
Does God think it's not important to understand (discern) The Bible?
The Best Way to gain Knowledge in Scripture is to ask questions.
Never settle in one understanding but always be open minded.
Study what you have learned to codify your understanding
There is not one person who can say they know everything about the Bible.
Be suspicious of those who flash their diplomas.
Always ask for scripture to prove the idea.
According to scripture everyone deserves death and eternal damnation but Jesus died as the perfect sacrifice so that they who will believe in Him shall be saved from God's coming wrath.
Knowing that Jesus shed His blood, died, was resurrected to Glory and sits at the right Hand of The Father is the best place to start learning more about our promise of heaven for those written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
How many ways can a person be saved?
How many denominations are there, are they all correct in their theology? If not which one is right?
If there were 12 Apostles what was the purpose of including Paul?
Does God think it's not important to understand (discern) The Bible?
The Best Way to gain Knowledge in Scripture is to ask questions.
Never settle in one understanding but always be open minded.
Study what you have learned to codify your understanding
There is not one person who can say they know everything about the Bible.
Be suspicious of those who flash their diplomas.
Always ask for scripture to prove the idea.
According to scripture everyone deserves death and eternal damnation but Jesus died as the perfect sacrifice so that they who will believe in Him shall be saved from God's coming wrath.
Knowing that Jesus shed His blood, died, was resurrected to Glory and sits at the right Hand of The Father is the best place to start learning more about our promise of heaven for those written in the Lamb's Book of Life.