"And He Himself gave some
to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,"
Yeah.. we best be listening to them. Don't know how to break it to you but there are so many wonderful men women of God out there that GOD put over us. There are already to many out there thinking they need no Church no pastor no one over them. Yet can be so easily deceived. Moved by ever wind of doctrine.

what did Jesus say to Saul? Saul never once touched Jesus. "Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
Look what we do today. Well not we. All the exposed and what not. There was this preacher that fell. You know him. There is nothing about him we don't know. Yet.. I heard a story today from a woman preacher (2015) who was with this huge Christian crowd/meeting. And the story she shared. SHOCKING! I am 59 and what happen to him was many many years ago. Every video, post you name it.. this story was never once shared. And thousands where there. It would change your out look on him in a heart beat.. if you believed he was wrong evil what ever.
What that preacher did is written in the word. Telling us to do that very thing. That preacher said.. there are not that many spiritual leaders today. That point out that error.. in front of all of them.. on and on.. then WE love you.. WE forgive you. Hugged and both cried and cried. Thats what Christ does when you fall. Picks you brings right back. Those two preachers? The one ..well didn't agree with them at all. How odd that was the one .. that didn't give up on him. A group you know and many make fun of. wow..
I have judged based on all the facts....yet was not the truth at all. Anyway.. so when the world attacks you..hurts you... They are really hurting Christ. And He does NOT like it nor takes its when anyone touches His Children. See.. you and Him are ONE! That preacher.. just make sure they preach the word..