There are multiple schools of thought on how salvation works. I will convey mine. Obviously, I think my understanding is correct or it wouldn't be my understanding.
Aside: You may of noted that I used the dictionary to define words in the past.
I will explain via the logical order of salvation. I say logical because many of these event occur at the same time.
1) Faith cometh by hearing. Romans 10:17 This can be called the GENERAL CALL. First one must hear the gospel. Some will accept, other will not. I will explain why IMO later. Those that don't hear the gospel are lost. (Roman 1) Aside: I don't want to go down this tangent now.
2) God, in eternity past chose who would be saved. They are not chosen due to any characteristic God knows of them. They don't even exist at this point. They are nothing. You cannot obtain knowledge from nothing. Eph. 1:4
Step 3 to 6 happen at the same time. They are listed in logical order.
3) The ones God selected in step 2 are, at some point in their life, regenerated by the Spirit. Regeneration is the instantaneous impartation of eternal life by the Holy Spirit to the spiritually dead; it is to be “born again”.
God is the author (
John 1:13;
John 6:63), the Holy Spirit is the agent (
John 3:8) or efficient cause and the Word of God is the instrument (
John 15:3;
James 1:18;
1 Peter 1:23).
...Regeneration is irresistible. That means EVERYONE selected by God to be regenerated will be saved and none will be lost later in life.
4) You are put IN CHRIST. " In Christ” may describe a Christian better than any other phrase. Also phrased as “in him”, “in the beloved”, “by him”, “through him” and “with him”.
To be in Christ is to partake of all that Christ has done, all that He is, and all that He will ever be. Union in Christ includes union with His death, burial, and resurrection in a judicial sense. This is the best deal you will ever partake. Your sins are imputed to Christ and His righteousness is imputed to you. (Imputation - to be treated as if you did something ... example: citizen of U.S. so certain rights and recognition given you though you did nothing to earn them)
5) You are given faith/belief and repentance. You depraved will (Romans 3:10-19) is changed by God. You cannot change your will due to your depravity. God must do it for you. "Free will" is defined as "We always choose what we desire most". You will never seek God unless He changes your will. God changes your will by giving you faith/belief and repentance. You 'free will' now and forever will believe and obey God.
There is much debate about this. Others will say you can decide to chose God and not. Therefore I list the following verses show faith comes from God, not oneself. Roman 12:3, 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, Eph. 2:8-9, Phil. 1:29, Jeremiah 24:7, Luke 17:5, John 6:29, Acts 3:16, 1 Corinthians 2:5, Hebrews 12:2 .. I could do more
The following verses show it is God will who is saved: John 1:12-13, Matthew 11:27, John 6:63-65, Romans 9:16, Ephesians 1:4-5, Eph. 1:11,
I could go on..
6) You are justified by faith.
Justification is an act of God’s free
grace, wherein he pardons all our sins, and accepts us
positionally and judiciously as righteous in his sight due to
the “righteousness of Christ; imputed to us, and
received by faith alone (faith by the instrumental cause) (
Genesis 15:3;
Acts 13:39;
Romans 3:23;
Romans 4:5;
Romans 5:1;
Galatians 2:16;
Galatians 3:24;
John 3:18; John 6:28-29; John 8:23-24; John 20:31). It is predicated upon “Christ’s fulfillment of the law” and “his substitutionary death” as a ransom payment for the believer.
7) Sanctification -to be “set apart” from that which is unholy to that which is holy. Sanctification is that continuous operation of the Holy Spirit in the process of salvation, by which the holy disposition imparted in regeneration is maintained and strengthened. God does not share with us the work of sanctification, any more than he shares with us the work of justification. He must do all (
1 Thessalonians 5:23;
1 Peter 1:2).
8) Glorification - glorification speaks of the sanctification and moral perfection that we will take on at the resurrection, when Christ appears.
We shall be made like Christ and take on His holiness, perfection and immortality.
That's how it works in my opinion and many other theologians. Other will disagree. I will let them state their opinion (or as they would state it .. the correct biblical interpretation).
Warning: There are many verses that the other side(s) may present to support their ideas. Beware of verses where it say things like ...
you must do "X" to be saved. These statements is true, but they do not say WHAT CAUSES you are to do "X" or "Y" to be saved. Because God is not detectable by the 5 senses one assumes that what ever you are asked to do, you do via your own power without God causing you to do it. So seek verses that explicitly tell you what is the cause of you to do "X" or "Y" for salvation. When the verse gives a cause I am confident it will say God is the cause. I am confident you will not find a verse that says GOD did not cause "X" to happen, you did it yourself. THUS, NONE CAN BOAST. THUS, NONE CAN DO A WORK FOR SALVATION.
Aside: Don't take anyone's word for it. Read three SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY books for yourself. I say three so you will get several opinions. Ignore any statement not backed up by scripture. I don't want to mention 3 books as that would bias your search. Good Luck on your quest for truth.
Aside2: I like It is a place to get answers.