If you were married before and almost married a second time, both times there were reasons of a break up. Were they the same reasons, or different reasons? Something to think about and ponder. If they were basically the same reason, than maybe it's time to take a step back.
Honestly, I don't think you are being completely genuine overall. First you say, "I have free access to the remote control, but no one to watch a good movie with", than you say, "Not to watch TV with." Which is it? It doesn't really matter, not trying to interrogate you at all, your lonely and that's the bottom line.
Your sentiment is well received here, they are many that share your frustrations of being single. Obviously, not all are interested in getting married on CC. I think marriage has been sold out, and no longer has any real meaning in today's Western society. If you look at the divorce rate in modern societies, it's about 50%.
Many are choosing to ditch marriage and just live together, than when a baby is born they decide it's time to get married. After which there is a normally a huge financial or emotional break down and people split up. "Until death do us part", yeah right! More like, until I'm fed up, and can't take it anymore.
People love to play the blame game, but rarely accept the fact, that is most likely their own fault. How can you not blame yourself on a failed marriage? Is it only the other person's fault when the relationship goes sour? Marriage is more like exclusively dating now, but it's far from the original design.
Honestly, I don't think you are being completely genuine overall. First you say, "I have free access to the remote control, but no one to watch a good movie with", than you say, "Not to watch TV with." Which is it? It doesn't really matter, not trying to interrogate you at all, your lonely and that's the bottom line.
Your sentiment is well received here, they are many that share your frustrations of being single. Obviously, not all are interested in getting married on CC. I think marriage has been sold out, and no longer has any real meaning in today's Western society. If you look at the divorce rate in modern societies, it's about 50%.
Many are choosing to ditch marriage and just live together, than when a baby is born they decide it's time to get married. After which there is a normally a huge financial or emotional break down and people split up. "Until death do us part", yeah right! More like, until I'm fed up, and can't take it anymore.
People love to play the blame game, but rarely accept the fact, that is most likely their own fault. How can you not blame yourself on a failed marriage? Is it only the other person's fault when the relationship goes sour? Marriage is more like exclusively dating now, but it's far from the original design.

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