LOL! Faith and belief are the same thing. And grace is what God gives to us so that we can respond through faith.
It is by grace through faith, not by faith through grace.
And it is not "just faith" and it is not "all you need is faith and belief . . ." You need faith in order to be saved.
It is not through faith alone or just by faith or all you need is faith. It is by grace through faith.
What am I trying to say?
Here are the words of an old favorite song:
Only trust Him, only trust Him
Only trust Him now
He will save you, He will save you
He will save you now
The song would be much deeper, clearer, and effective if we sang it without the "only": So it would go like this:
trust Him, trust Him
trust Him, trust Him
He will save you, He will save you
He will save you now
By speaking of "faith only" or "just faith' we actually minimize the importance and function of faith.