hence profileration of megachurches I suppose.
I wonder about the mini churches though. are the megachurches putting the minis out of business?
Imagine the size of the wedding parties in megachurches. Although I havent actually been to a wedding at a megachurch. Do they have them often? You would think they would be a hotbed of matchmaking if there was this church rule that every chiristian had to be married.
Weddings are weddings. People invite who they want to come. It is usually people that know them that come. People don't know everyone in a megachurch, they know who they know.
If you live in a small town you are probably not going to a megachurch. If you live in a big city you can go to a small church or a megachurch. Is the megachurch making people in a small church leave to go to the megachurch just because it is bigger? I doubt it, if they leave to go to the megachurch I would assume they believe God is leading them to do that.
Some people want a small church so they will be looking for the smaller church.
If the megachurch has better expository preaching that could be one of the reason it is growing, and if the small church has lame preaching that might be the reason people are leaving. Or if the small church has nothing for children and youth and the megachurch does you can't blame families for wanting their kids to enjoy church and taking them where they are more likely to get involved and have positive influence on them.
We should all want our church to outgrow its facilities and reach the community for Christ. I would that all God's churches were mega churches and that the entire city would be saved.