Neural Plasticity is a field that can teach us all how to rewire our brain. Dr. Caroline Leaf, has many helpful videos, Bessel Van Der Kolk wrote The Body Keeps the Score which I am told is used in PTSD classes.
I sat through Carolyn Leafs seminar here in Tasmania and asked her two questions. I asked her if she had included in her studies heavy metal toxicity of the brain (man brains of autism,, alzheimers and parkinisons suffers all have high levels of aluminium to name one metal) AND the effects of microwave radiation on the brains, as WiFi not only opens up the blood brain barrier just like polysorbate 80 (emulsyfier in vaccines and chemo) and glyphosate (weed killer) so metals can pass it BUT, it's also known that microwave radiation can cause 122 biological problems (according to the 1972 US NAVI unclassified NMRI studies) including neuropshychiatric effects like anxiety. and her answer was negative. She had not included these important aspects in any of her studies as yet though she aware of the problems. Heavy metals are there to stay unless one actively detoxes from them by speeding up the mitochondria through various ways and other things. Just like a bullet needs to be acively removed via an operation so also heavy metals need to be activeley be removed. I love her work but I am also aware that is it limited.
Now on the aspect of supernatural healing. If I may share a bit. My wife and I have seen dozens of healings over these last 25 years when laying hands on the sick and commanding healing in His Name. I haven't walked in it much myself though, as pain and symptoms talk and therefore it is much easier to consider it done when you pray standing in faith for someone else. We saw Loucas Stott, who had acquired brain injury completely healed for example. He was 26, got electrocuted as a roof plumber by touching a electrical cable and laid there a long time feeling the electricity going through his brain. Could not cross the street on his own, lost his drivers licence and plumbing business and could only talk for five minutes and then his mind went blank and he could not remember a thing. Within 30 seconds he felt Gods healing when we spoke to this "mountain". Months later the optomotrist could not even see damage on his frontal lobe anymore while he was told he had four years to leave. That's now seven years ago so praise God! Loucas can even walk in healing for himself which is special, as I don't know that many. I myself haven't been able to be healed for chronic issues, just a few times for infections. We always end of prayer with You said it! We believe it! That settles it! God is good