Here's a few more videos demonstrating some of the problems with the charismatic movement.
First one is Kenneth Copeland's alleged destruction of the Corona virus. Second one is a great show by John Sampson and Steven Bancarz concerning the many problems with the charismatic movement. John used to work for Copeland, and Steven was brought up as a Pentecostal. He got involved in New Age teaching as a young adult, but was then converted by God to Christianity. He has visited charismatic churches since becoming a believer, and recognizes some of the same evil spirits that are involved in charismatic teachings.
Particularly, he plays a few clips by Bob Jones, who is the father of the charismatic movement. Bob Jones was a major figure in the life of Kenneth Copeland, as well as other charismatics. Listen to his words yourself and determine if he is a sound believer. I think not.
With regards to charismatics, they have repeatedly shown bad judgement in terms of doctrine. Besides their own doctrinal issues, charismatics have called men like William Branham "God's general". William Branham was a oneness Pentecostal who claimed to be a prophet. Well, he missed the boat with that claim, because he was one of the endorsers of Jim Jones' ministry.
The fact that significant charismatics laud William Branham is telling, because, in essence, they are approving the teachings of a heretic who denies the Trinity, and who claimed all kinds of weird experiences.
Jim Jones is the cult leader who lead about 900 people to their deaths.
You guys might as well forget about convincing me that charismatics are worthy of serious consideration. I have seen way too much to fall for that. And, the video with John Sampson and Steven Bancarz will give you some of the reasons why the movement is discredited by all sound Christians.
Like Steven says, 50 percent of the church thinks that recent charismatic teaches are Satanic, 25 percent think it's of the flesh, and the other 25 percent believes it.
By the way, Steven believes that the miraculous sign gifts are still in existence today, but he does not support the charismatic movement as a whole.
One notable remark was that this skyscraper of charismatic teaching is built on a dime-size piece of real estate.