I grew up spending a lot of time on farm land or near farms. My family grew pine trees. And one thing about growing trees was that if we left the undergrowth too thick, it would steal nutrients from the trees. It needed control burns. A control burn is a fire set by a trained expert and then controlled by fire breaks, equipment, setting it on a day absent of wind, not too dry as in drought weather, and in a patrol state to keep an eye on the direction of the flames.
Doing this as a prescribed fire can also improve ecosystem health in forests, woodlands, shrublands, and grasslands by reducing competition, decreasing diseases and pests, and decreasing the fire intensity during wildfires.
Healthier trees means more money once they matured and needed to be sold.
Nature has been doing this forever mostly by lightning. It may not of been a controlled burn but the aftermath in the charred remains, would always bring forth life life usually healthier than before.
What we face today may feel like a fire storm and so much around us is quickly changing. But we are no different than the life that resurfaces after a fire. In fact we often take the situation as a challenge and grow exceedingly as humanity often does when faced with hard times.
Call it survival, good vs evil, or whatever you may but the word Hope has driven people to explore far off lands in hope for freedom or prosperity, hope has driven the wrongly accused to be encouraged in a prison cell, hope has driven the slave to keep dreaming of freedom, hope has driven the sick to push on, hope in Christ has given us a wonderful eternal future.
We will rise from the destruction. We will rebuild our infrastructures. Our economies. Our lives as we honor those who have fallen and praise the heroes who put their lives on the line to save others or keep the country from falling apart. We will be more thankful for what we have and for who is around us. We will sing a different tune. We will worship differently with a new breath of life. Our families are bonding. We are reminded what is important in life. Many are seeing that homeschooling isnt that difficult.
May we heal, may we grow, and above all may we unite. God hear our prayers and heal our lands. Revive us in this time as many people are seeking you for the first time. Regardless if these times are warnings, acts of nature, or acts of evil. May we heed your warning, heal from the natural disaster or defeat the evil forces against us.
May life rise from the ashes! Amen.
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