Look to everyone here I am sorry if I have hurt any feelings with the way I word things, but all feelings aside not 1 person in here is dealing with the issue I'm bringing up. You are ALL just saying "your mean, offensive, mouthy, a heretic, and not one of you has answered a thing about the "3rd temple dilemma". Please if my view that everyone here seems to HATE, names heresy, and are willing to strait up transgress Jesus commands to us all in emotional floods, if it is so stupid, so ridiculous, then please please please be the means God uses to lead me to the truth. Help me work through this "3rd temple dilemma" that in my mind makes ANY future temple illogical, pointless, and completely backwards.
Here is my problem laid out as clearly as I can put it.
1. I believe scripture is close, more specifically that God will reveal nothing new, His word is in the bible. We are told clearly that His word will not be added to.
2. I believe that everything the temple was pointing to has been fulfilled, everything.
3. I believe that the Abomination of Desolation spoken of in Daniel and Revelation takes place in Gods temple.
4. I believe that in order for there to be a "God'd temple", that God has to command it built. I believe that a group of men getting together and building a building and calling it gods temple dose not make it so.
5. I do not believe a temple made by men is what is spoken of concerning the A. of D., I believe that HAS to be in God's temple like it says
6. I do not believe anywhere in scripture God commands us to build another temple, a 3rd temple. I am willing to be shown if I missed it.
So can you see my problem with the idea that all this stuff is coming, when Jesus Himself was very specific about the time frame of these things ALL happening within a generation, and what do you know within a generation Gods temple was pulled down brick by brick in that time frame. Yet I'm the stupid one with ideas so far fetched as to deserve to face condemnation from the rest of the body, seemingly.
I'd say this is a pretty glaring problem for the idea of another temple at all, and why? Because my King said "It is finished!" Did He not? So instead of just calling me mean, saying I'm attacking, or calling me a mouthy hypocrite, please some body stand firm on your belief and help me through this. Thank you.