Just because you don't have something good doesn't mean God doesn't want you to have it. Jesus words to his disciples before he died even included the exhortation "In the world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world". Especially in America we have this idea that the Bible promises the Christian life will be full of ease and comfort and God is magically going to make everything work out and go well for us. It doesn't and one of the things that currently nags at me is the sheer number of believers around the world for whom choosing to follow Christ involves great personal risk and sacrifice, yet knowing all that they still found something so compelling in the gospel that they thought (and still think) following Christ was worth it. Most of the time I can't articulate that value any more than a fish can articulate to a desert creature the value of water, but I'd like to know it and I do know it's there.
I'm sure your expectations of God have been disappointed, but when I was facing a similar disappointment I had to get really honest with myself and look at the Bible and realize that for most of our Bible "heroes" faith didn't bring them an easy or peaceful life (go ahead read Hebrews 11: 35-39), but I find encouragement because knowing the end of their stories helps me believe that God may have greatness and a big impact ahead for my life as well, even if I currently feel enslaved or exiled or ignored or unjustly attacked.