Or no one has an answer for you but the Lord and you need to be patient.
At least you made an effort to avail yourself of available resources and there is sound wisdom in that. Sometimes he does indeed confirm a sort of "vagueness" when I seek out the opinion of others. If it echoes the same vagueness then it confirms to me that I haven't missed any general revelation and that specifically there may be resolution or there may not.
It does so happen that our prayers are not in accordance with his will but not through anything deliberate, just not the direction he is going.
This is a juvenile example but consider that you'd like a horse so because you like horses and also for the utility of practical conveyance from point A to point B. You pray as such and it is "uniquely you". This response isn't ever answered and no resolution is gained. You realize you have the funds for a car and a great deal presents itself. You feel pushed toward the practicality of a car and it serves you well. I could simulate a few "answers" that are vague referring to your transportation needs if that would be helpful.
So, you don't get a horse and no further "hearing" of your horse request other than that you continue to want one. Nothing happens.
In this particular instance, I can't see anything particular rebellious or sinful about wanting a horse. Maybe in a small way you want to display your own uniqueness in a modern world and sort of "peacock" a bit and potentially a tiny bit of error in that which might snowball into greater error and distraction from his direction...but I'd be leaping pretty far in a hypothetical.
I say all that to illustrate my interaction for why I receive no answer, or a "no" and how not praying in accordance with his will isn't always a deep rooted critical sin but just simply a vanity outside his will. How this answer is received is typically circumstantial. Would it be good stewardship to completely rework my life for what "I" want? Am I exalting my will? Do I really care enough to further discern his will in this area? Does he even care "that" much? Does this thing "really" matter at all?
If so, a couple of other posters had some good suggestions. Fasting is a reasonable move if your motive is as sincerely valid as you are able to judge. Fasting isn't really something that should be done on a whim and although I have done so (with "unpleasant" results) I've learned that it's a pretty serious thing.
I think occasionally we can be in a state of indecision when the Lord wants us to simply decide. Leastways for me that has been a predicament. Think of a parent that has no answer except what the child's answer will be (knowing it to be innocuous) but expects a decision to be made. I have struggled with this due to always wanting to be correct but for a lot of things there is no "right" answer because we are consistently changing and trying to micro analyze everything is counterproductive.
Anyway, I presented a lot of "vagueness" since you weren't specific yourself...a lot of life can be vague for me on the personal day to day living...like diet, grooming, etc. etc. Each of things matter, but even on these things extreme micromanagement doesn't appear to work.
One of the biggest issues that I wrestle with is doing the day to day while an answer to something "life changing" is in the works as well as the timing behind the Lord's will. I hope this is "vaguely" beneficial