I was not convinced of Jesus, Yeshua, until I was 24. It was then the Holy Spirit entered into me, teaching what "I" needed to know.
Previous to this wonderful event I had always been "charitable" towards the Maker, giving Him the benefit of a doubt.
From a large family living in a house trailer, I was sent with my youngest sister, older than I, to Bible school summers. We learned songs and Bible verfseses but the most important lesson for me was from the song, "Jesus Loves Me." This was when I wa four. I loved Bible school for the Kool-Aid and really large home made cookies. I won a plaque with a poem on it for learning Bible verses. The poem was "Overheard in an Orchard."
From that time until the infilling of the Holy Spirit, my religion, my denomination was simple, "Jesus Loves Me." I held on to that belief, and do now, and always will. Because of being sent to Bible school, when I was a bit older I began attending churches. I say churches because my family with me moved many times, and DI would go to the nearsst church with a cross on it where ever I lived. It was not until I was aabout ten or eleve I realized I had been going to different denominations. Silly me, I though all who had a cross believed Jesus in the same manner. As an adolesecent in the d1950's I began to notice how hatred was being preached from the pulpits, anti-black, antisemitesm and more. Lots of finger pointing and lots of haughty attitudes from the most holy people in each congreegation. I had to get out, and I did.
I kind of scratched my head a lot wondering how I could feel this way about denominational guidances until the Holy Spirit entered into me, and then I knew Jesus has been given a rotten deal since "denominations" began.
They are now more and more in dagreement with each other in running the world…........ergo, that last day church is at the doorway, one righteous world church, self-righteous that is. Keep faith that Jesus, Loves us, and we will keep faith in the God odf Abraham.