If they didnt show, I guess it wasnt meant to be.
In movies theres always a trope of someone running after their love at the last minute before it ends and he credits roll after they realised if they didnt run after them they would miss them forever. lol
I'll admit I think this way at times with the first sentence. I have an interest in someone, expend a bit of energy, and then am shut down in some way. I guess it's not meant to be or it wasn't what the Lord had. By the same measure, sometimes consistent pursuit is what is needed. Which places me in a quandary of "coming on too strong" or "not going after it". It's actually rather irritating.
As to the second. If things work like this I don't think I'll ever get married or be in a relationship. I said it up until my early twenties that the Lord isn't going to let you miss the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with (soulmate concept)...even if you are uncertain, it will be clear enough.
Then I missed that self same person, by the same...but then, I guess it either "wasn't meant to be" or "you snooze you lose".
I'm entirely uncertain of how the process works. I haven't ever done traditional dating and so I haven't ever been "stood up" in the usual sense. I have left my heart wide open to a female before and had it be passed over. If that counts then sure. It doesn't feel particularly nice.
Some have said I don't deal well with rejection and sometimes I lay blame where it shouldn't be (like on the Lord) but I'm not sure what to do about that. Other than operating in frustrated humility toward this process of finding a partner. I'm sure it's my fault, or maybe it's no one's fault and it's just a part of the process of my eyes being open to his timing and plan when the person that is ready to serve the Lord as a unit presents herself. Not sure.
If I ever get into "dating" I would expect some type of decorum. If you cancel and don't reschedule, what am I to make of that? The whole system is so frustrating and it seems so much like random happenstance. There are so many qualities that cannot be perceived unless the Lord opens one's eyes to them that it seems almost pointless. Like how does this person operate in a crisis situation...they talk a strong walk, but what are they like in private? I could provide a list, but it just seems so much up to the Lord leading you that I am confused how people think otherwise (believers that is).
I've heard people say the Lord isn't a matchmaker and I disagree. I think he can and does. There's too many stories of people that fit hand in hand and operate as a unit together for that to be random. By the same measure, I think that if you want what YOU want, he will certainly allow you to reap the consequences of your will exalted against his.
I attempted to stay on topic