I didn’t have time to go through the whole thread but thought this might help if it wasn’t already posted. Most narcissists are a product of two parent types. Usually one is overly critical while the other can only see everything you do as perfect. This causes an overconfident exterior shell protecting the horribly fragile interior. Essentially they are like an egg. They work diligently to make others think they are this perfect, flawless, beautiful creature. Usually in public they are confident and charming, very likeable. The problem is that they can’t stand being challenged, and allow anyone to crack the shell revealing the soft messy center. Their children will be forced to be exemplary. Often they will be perfect parents to everyone but their children. In private they scream at and belittle them for being an embarrassment. Often they will pick a favourite child that shows promise, and use them as a sort of trophy. They find insecure partners who enable them. They are, by definition, emotionally abusive, being hot and cold to get their way.
I’ve been around them all of my life. They are easy to spot when you know what to look for.
I’ve been around them all of my life. They are easy to spot when you know what to look for.
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