Yeah?....(to my shame) There are yet some "traditions of men, and false prophet doctrines", that God, and Jesus, and I, are "


But, unlike "blinded and binded" OSAS'ers? I choose to "war" against them, as opposed to "loving" them in the "hopes" they'll see the error of their ways, turn, and be healed!
Cuz, if you "embrace" the Bible, as a whole? You'll notice that the "serpent, dragon, satan, lucifer, spirit of anti-christ?", as well, as "other monikers" have
never ceased from
their efforts, in
drawing God's children
away from Him!
Upon one's like those I just listed? Is
no way, nor any amount of
love, EVER going to
turn them! Yet, the "clear and past/present
danger", to God, and now Jesus? Is that "they" are going to, and
have? Turned God's Children
away from God, and, in these last days? Jesus of Nazareth.
Because? That's
what the "prince of this world (age)"
It's what he's ALWAYS done! IRREGARDLESS of (which) "age!"
.....(meanwhile).....back in the trenches?