A lot of people believe that they won’t go through the end time tribulation, so maybe this is not for them, but I was curious about surviving through the tribulation when times get tough.
I have different views on the matter. Some people go all out and store food, items , build underground bunks, etc for a doomsday event, not so much because they are doing it from a biblical perspective etc.
But for those that do believe they’ll go through it, What is the necessary steps, if any, that should be taken. And I’m not referring to spiritual preparation, obviously that is first priority and a must. I’m referring to the physical aspect of the tribulation that will occur.
Two views come to mind when I think about “prepping” for such an event. One being the story of Joseph in Egypt, years of plenty and years of famine. They collected, prepared for the years of famine during the time of plenty. Is that something we should be doing?
But then the second view comes to mind, the manna in the desert. God said only to collect the ration for the day and not to collect more than needed and sure enough the ones that did got worms in the manna. Does that mean we should not be storing or preparing in such manner and just hope and trust God everything will be alright?
I have different views on the matter. Some people go all out and store food, items , build underground bunks, etc for a doomsday event, not so much because they are doing it from a biblical perspective etc.
But for those that do believe they’ll go through it, What is the necessary steps, if any, that should be taken. And I’m not referring to spiritual preparation, obviously that is first priority and a must. I’m referring to the physical aspect of the tribulation that will occur.
Two views come to mind when I think about “prepping” for such an event. One being the story of Joseph in Egypt, years of plenty and years of famine. They collected, prepared for the years of famine during the time of plenty. Is that something we should be doing?
But then the second view comes to mind, the manna in the desert. God said only to collect the ration for the day and not to collect more than needed and sure enough the ones that did got worms in the manna. Does that mean we should not be storing or preparing in such manner and just hope and trust God everything will be alright?
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