The Lord has a diferent judgment than we do, and should be obvious. "ALL manner os sin shall be forgiven to man but rejecting the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven to man." Not obeying the New comandmant "To Love one another as I have have Loved you; that you also Love one another." "If anyone comes to me, I will not turn them away (no matter what)." I had an idol of women most of my life and could not have a healthy relationship. The Lord did not abandon me there and spoke to me with compassion during that time: come to My house, I'm coming to My house. Now. I have a healty relationship with a woman from the Philippines who is in the charismatic Catholic renewal. That also happens to be where I received the Holy Spirit over 40 years ago, when at the time I was in a foursquare Pentecostal church. But would go on Friday evening to the charismatic renewal because I wanted more and was not judgmental then. I did fall in the trap of dualistic thinking later.
Another word the Lord told me 36 years ago: Behold.I am with you in a time of trouble such as never was and shall never be again, for it is coming upon all people as amtestimony against them.
The time of trouble is because Faith works by Love and appart from the Holy Spirit faith is dead.
The renewal of the Holy Spirit is welcomed in the Catholic church and has been for years, more than such as Baptist church. And those who preach not by woks are the worst at judging one another. I am to wirdraw miself from trying to help here. I knew this for years, yet felt I should try to warn them. While the Lord had already told me: I don't need your help. You don't know that the Judgment will begin with the US do you. And it's likely where you live. People are lukewarm and don't care and think they are right. Yes there are saints there who will rise to God in the time of trouble. But what about the foolish who will not invest their whole heart in Christ and preach not by works and spend there time quarreling and judging one another. Can you see Why we are to withdraw from them that walk disorderly? I have been coming here for a few years on and off and the quarels are getting worse: those who think they are right are in the worst danger. "There is none Righteous." The revival is more welcomed in places like the Catholic church because they know their need. I have been called as an evangelist and wondered if the Lord was sending me to the Catholic church since He gave me a wife from there. He said: I am sending you to all churches. I have noticed that that those who have judgment against other churches and think they are right, can't hear me, especially those who preach not by works; istorting the Word and turnimg it upside down. A word that was ment to say: not by our work (in pride of achievment), witch we done but Grace alone; agreement with the work of God: to influence our hearts to be joined to the Holy Spirit; to do the work of God, to follow Jesus in His death and Resurrection, that we may go on to perfection, and not stay as we are in dead works. "Let us not judge one another, but judge this that no one ause another to stumble.
I have been thought like you for years that Catholics were idol worshipers, but I was the one who could not get past an idol of woman: bearing my own judgment. The church is divided because we think like men in the flesh. "There are divisions among you... are you not behaving like men in the flesh."