Yes, I think our growth in grace comes naturally as we grow spiritually with Christ to guide us and keep us, while ever we are in His presence.
I was just a bit concerned that you were conveying that once we come to Jesus then the fruit come naturally as in straight away.
I'm a man who was battered by it.
Was told things like "you still smoke? Just stop it and if you don't you will smell like the place you are going to which is hell.
Same with my gambling addiction. Yet no one took the time to come alongside and ask why.
The response was "Bible says now go do"
If I could why would I seek help in the first place?
As a child who was bought up by a mother who hated me, shame on Muslim woman to get pregnant by a Catholic, was on the abortion table but the doctors could not carry it out.
Then thrown out by her at 13. Taken in by a Christian foster family then sexually abused (side note sexually abused by an uncle and cousin at the age 8-9).
Never told I was loved, basically a piece of something you would wipe of your shoes.
If only people in the church had come alongside and discipled me.
Not with don't do but with how much God loves me, that actually he is my Father.
There is a lot more in the Bible than go do.
It doesn't stop at stopping stuff.
Jesus said "The Father loves me/you/us as much as he loves him"
Hey walk in that, go do that.
Hey God says he loves us with an everlasting love and will never forsake you (throw you out) hey go walk in that.
I'm just trying to give an insight to my life and journey with God.
I stopped going to church for about 10 years. I felt so useless and worthless.
Never lost my faith in Jesus but lost my faith in the people of the church.
It didn't come naturally but I grew in the fruit as a result of understanding who I am in Jesus.
So my question was based on my experience and just wanted to make sure that you are not one of the people who says "Bible says now go do"
Just to finish I actually thank God for what I have been through because
Romans 8:28-30
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
He has worked good in what I have been through and now is using me to walk with others who have gone through what I have.
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