There is absolutely no doubt that even before Donald Trump was legally elected as the President of the United States there was a conspiracy afoot to take him down and destroy him by any means possible.
And the sole motive of all the conspirators is HATRED for Trump. Which actually translates into hatred for American voters (who could see through the lies of the Democrats), as well as hatred for the Constitution (which prevents the abuse of power by evil politicians). This hatred manifested itself in three forms (1) The Never Trumpers, (2) the Deep State and (3) Trump Derangement Syndrome. Ultimately all this hatred is demonic.
Bill Kristol led the faction of Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) who became “Never Trumpers” even though they claimed to be conservative. The Bushes, the McCains, and many others who were supposedly conservative wanted a Left-Liberal in office instead. They would sooner have seen Hillary in office than Trump draining the Swamp. This enabled the conspirators to find illegal ways to remove Trump from office.
All the government officials under Obama became the “Deep State” and worked behind the scenes to find any kind of excuse to destroy Trump. Obama himself was behind everything, but somehow managed to escape notice, censure, and prosecution. Hillary Clinton funded the bogus Steele Dossier. And the Deep State consisted of the most senior government officials, elected representatives, billionaire business leaders, and all the Left-liberal media networks which are known as the MSM (mainstream media).
There were six intelligence services and law enforcement agencies plotting against Trump. CIA Director John Brennan, the FBI’s James Comey, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Department of Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson, and Admiral Michael Rogers who headed the National Security Agency were some of the primary conspirators who have not even been investigated. Others who plotted were Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, and Sally Yates. But it did not stop with Americans. The British intelligence services became allies to stop Trump from taking office. “Brennan was able to use his connections with those foreign intelligence agencies, primarily the British GCHQ, to make it look like the concerns about Trump were coming from friendly and allied countries and therefore had to be responded to as part of routine intelligence sharing.”
This is a serious mental disorder that cannot possibly imagine or see any virtue in Mr. Trump. According to the Left, he is purely evil. Thus the Left-Liberals called him racist, sexist, Nazi, Hitler, bigot, white supremacist, and any other evil epithet they could throw at Trump. The melt down of people such as Rachel Maddow and the Millennial snowflakes, the foul language of Madonna and Linda Sarsour, and the rantings of all the Democrats, particularly Maxine Waters, were all expressions of this Syndrome.
There are three phases to this conspiracy, but the conspiracy goes all the way back to the Trump campaign and every effort to block Donald Trump from winning the election.
I. The bogus Steele Dossier
II. The bogus Mueller Witch Hunt
III. The bogus Schiff Impeachment Inquisition
The Democrats decided that if they could somehow come up with a scenario where the Russians actually helped Donald Trump to get elected, they could replace him with Hillary Clinton. The absurdity of this idea did not even occur to them, since it was Hillary who had been colluding with Russia all along.
While Donald Trump was campaigning, it was decided to place wire taps on him and his associates. *Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Gen. Michael Flynn were all wiretapped. And likely there were others. This all happened during the primaries and after Trump became the GOP nominee.* But since it is illegal to wire tap American citizens without *probable cause*, a bogus excuse was invented.
1. The FBI tried to get the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court (FISA Court) to approve wire taps on Trump and the Trump Tower. And their request was refused. Therefore another tactic was developed.
2. The British Intelligence Services could not be barred from electronic surveillance of Americans, so John Brennan of the CIA decided to bring the British into the picture. But Brennan did not act by himself.
3. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee took 12 million dollars out of her campaign funds and gave them to the law firm of Perkins Coie LLP to fund the Steele Dossier. Lawyer Mark Elias retained Fusion GPS to conduct bogus “research” on Trump. Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele (a former British intelligence officer) to manufacture a bogus dossier on Trump with salacious details about his supposed misbehaviour and some kind of unverified connection to Russia – a so-called “Russian collusion” about the Trump campaign. But everything in that dossier was bogus (they are using the term “unverified” instead of the honest term “fraudulent”). Top official Bruce Ohr from the Justice Department was in contact with Steele, and he was a part of the conspiracy. Obama’s State Department was also involved with Steele. Evidently Steele was also an informant for the FBI and was paid by them at some time.
4. This dossier was used by the FBI to obtain bogus FISA warrants to wire tap Carter Page, a former informal adviser to Mr. Trump. This was a secret court order executed in October 2016 and renewed repeatedly until 2017. Paul Manafort was subjected to the same kind of surveillance on flimsy grounds. When the information about these warrants was released, it was heavily redacted so that no one would know the truth. The bottom line is that the FISA warrants DID NOT establish probable cause, since a lot of false and misleading information was included in them. The court should have thrown out the application but did not.
5. “Christopher Steele gave a copy to a retired of British Diplomat Sir Andrew Wood who in turn handed it to Trump critic Senator John McCain who then passed it on to the FBI. President Barack Obama presumably also saw it and, according to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation.”
There is absolutely no doubt that even before Donald Trump was legally elected as the President of the United States there was a conspiracy afoot to take him down and destroy him by any means possible.
And the sole motive of all the conspirators is HATRED for Trump. Which actually translates into hatred for American voters (who could see through the lies of the Democrats), as well as hatred for the Constitution (which prevents the abuse of power by evil politicians). This hatred manifested itself in three forms (1) The Never Trumpers, (2) the Deep State and (3) Trump Derangement Syndrome. Ultimately all this hatred is demonic.
Bill Kristol led the faction of Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) who became “Never Trumpers” even though they claimed to be conservative. The Bushes, the McCains, and many others who were supposedly conservative wanted a Left-Liberal in office instead. They would sooner have seen Hillary in office than Trump draining the Swamp. This enabled the conspirators to find illegal ways to remove Trump from office.
All the government officials under Obama became the “Deep State” and worked behind the scenes to find any kind of excuse to destroy Trump. Obama himself was behind everything, but somehow managed to escape notice, censure, and prosecution. Hillary Clinton funded the bogus Steele Dossier. And the Deep State consisted of the most senior government officials, elected representatives, billionaire business leaders, and all the Left-liberal media networks which are known as the MSM (mainstream media).
There were six intelligence services and law enforcement agencies plotting against Trump. CIA Director John Brennan, the FBI’s James Comey, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Department of Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson, and Admiral Michael Rogers who headed the National Security Agency were some of the primary conspirators who have not even been investigated. Others who plotted were Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, and Sally Yates. But it did not stop with Americans. The British intelligence services became allies to stop Trump from taking office. “Brennan was able to use his connections with those foreign intelligence agencies, primarily the British GCHQ, to make it look like the concerns about Trump were coming from friendly and allied countries and therefore had to be responded to as part of routine intelligence sharing.”
This is a serious mental disorder that cannot possibly imagine or see any virtue in Mr. Trump. According to the Left, he is purely evil. Thus the Left-Liberals called him racist, sexist, Nazi, Hitler, bigot, white supremacist, and any other evil epithet they could throw at Trump. The melt down of people such as Rachel Maddow and the Millennial snowflakes, the foul language of Madonna and Linda Sarsour, and the rantings of all the Democrats, particularly Maxine Waters, were all expressions of this Syndrome.
There are three phases to this conspiracy, but the conspiracy goes all the way back to the Trump campaign and every effort to block Donald Trump from winning the election.
I. The bogus Steele Dossier
II. The bogus Mueller Witch Hunt
III. The bogus Schiff Impeachment Inquisition
The Democrats decided that if they could somehow come up with a scenario where the Russians actually helped Donald Trump to get elected, they could replace him with Hillary Clinton. The absurdity of this idea did not even occur to them, since it was Hillary who had been colluding with Russia all along.
While Donald Trump was campaigning, it was decided to place wire taps on him and his associates. *Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Gen. Michael Flynn were all wiretapped. And likely there were others. This all happened during the primaries and after Trump became the GOP nominee.* But since it is illegal to wire tap American citizens without *probable cause*, a bogus excuse was invented.
1. The FBI tried to get the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court (FISA Court) to approve wire taps on Trump and the Trump Tower. And their request was refused. Therefore another tactic was developed.
2. The British Intelligence Services could not be barred from electronic surveillance of Americans, so John Brennan of the CIA decided to bring the British into the picture. But Brennan did not act by himself.
3. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee took 12 million dollars out of her campaign funds and gave them to the law firm of Perkins Coie LLP to fund the Steele Dossier. Lawyer Mark Elias retained Fusion GPS to conduct bogus “research” on Trump. Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele (a former British intelligence officer) to manufacture a bogus dossier on Trump with salacious details about his supposed misbehaviour and some kind of unverified connection to Russia – a so-called “Russian collusion” about the Trump campaign. But everything in that dossier was bogus (they are using the term “unverified” instead of the honest term “fraudulent”). Top official Bruce Ohr from the Justice Department was in contact with Steele, and he was a part of the conspiracy. Obama’s State Department was also involved with Steele. Evidently Steele was also an informant for the FBI and was paid by them at some time.
4. This dossier was used by the FBI to obtain bogus FISA warrants to wire tap Carter Page, a former informal adviser to Mr. Trump. This was a secret court order executed in October 2016 and renewed repeatedly until 2017. Paul Manafort was subjected to the same kind of surveillance on flimsy grounds. When the information about these warrants was released, it was heavily redacted so that no one would know the truth. The bottom line is that the FISA warrants DID NOT establish probable cause, since a lot of false and misleading information was included in them. The court should have thrown out the application but did not.
5. “Christopher Steele gave a copy to a retired of British Diplomat Sir Andrew Wood who in turn handed it to Trump critic Senator John McCain who then passed it on to the FBI. President Barack Obama presumably also saw it and, according to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation.”
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