I was literally thinking about starting a thread with this title a couple of days ago
The Lord heard my prayer! Hahaa
I love letters, cards, notes, etc.
@seoulsearch Looks like I'll have to get your address and give you mine

I'd love to get a nice lil' letter from you, haha!
It's that personal touch. Knowing that the person took the time to sit down, take a piece of paper and pen, and actually applied themselves
(or not lol) to write you a few lines. Seeing their handwriting, touching that piece of paper that they held... it's all so interesting and valuable to me.
I used to be into graphology for a quite a while, and I am familiar with the basics, but won't be able to actually analyze someone's handwriting to the point of having a good idea of their personality. It's super interesting though and I might even go back to studying it again (as a hobby).
I have plenty of cards, notes and letters from people I've known over the years. I keep them all preciously stacked all over my room at my mom's apartment lol.
Here's the pile of cards, letters and even a little notebook I got from my former colleagues on my last day at work:
This was such a thoughtful little gift (I blurred out my name):
I love having something tangible that reminds me of the people I've met through life, it's like keeping a little part of them.
Especially when it's a nice note or letter full of kindness and love : )
Soooo basically if anyone wants to be pen-pals, I'm totally in, haha.