Just a couple of days ago... I was saying to God how I found it difficult to pray for very long... it was upsetting me... I have been battling with tryingto pray for a while... and the problems in my life are very difficult... so I asked Him if there were any hindrances, anything I needed to repent of... and I realised there was a root of bitterness in my heart. I was so hurt about an on-going situation that I didn't feel I could forgive the perpetrator.. so as I broke my heart to God I asked Him to help me-I couldn't even utter the word 'forgive' at this point. He did help me, and I forgave, and then I realised that all my sins, if they were listed, made me into a hypocrite if I did not forgive those who 'trespass against us'...
I have since remembered the verse which says," If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear"....
Sometimes maybe we have a road-block in the way and we don't realise... I know it hurts to even talk about this stuff but God can help us and set us free if we let Him and it's so worth it afterwards...🙂His ways all always true... I hope I have been some help... we are all, afterall, helping each-other find our way home...
Lots of love in Christ xx
What a wonderful testimony, although it was a bit sad, too.
I have these last weeks been through a lot of soulsearching and heartache. It has been extremly hard emotionally, and tears have been near at hand all through this time.
Yesterday a sister in Christ reach out to me about her difficulties in a friendship she had with a man that had different expectations of their relation. I saw the bondage she was under, and the guilt she had towards the other person. I listened and gave some small inputs in her situation, and she was changing from dispear to relief through the time we spent together.
And then, like a lightening, it struck me. Like the answer from God I was looking for was there all along. I was just blind to see it. And I got peace. Yes. It doesn't make sense that the relationship I have been in ended like this. But God has really used it to transform me to His glory, but the things that was releaved of the man in question makes it clear that it can't go on. It creates an unhealthy bondage that would make us both miserable. I see God in both the time we spent together as a couple but also the necessitiy to break up. And God is in it!
God is wonderful, and he answers prayers. But sometimes not in the way we expect.