I was surprised to read that the nurse left you on your own when you were dizzy and pale.
I work as a Practice Nurse and under the law here, we are not allowed to leave patients who present as very ill or with chest pain, especially one who is dizzy and pale, as this can be an indication of impending MI (heart attack). I have waited at times with a patient for up to an hour, sometimes more, for the ambos (paramedics) to arrive. We can't leave the patient until we are relieved, certainly not for lunch. I've had many, many days where I skipped lunch due to being behind, or just ate a hasty sandwich at my desk. I used to make a cup of tea/coffee and take it to my office, but it would invariably go cold.
Well I hope that they took a heap of bloods and did a blood sugar level to see what was going on. Pre diabetes or diabetes is no joke.
Taking bloods firsly helps as it gives a good, basic overall picture of what is going on.
Yes sleep apnoea can cause many things, and I suppose you could be getting dizzy from lack of sleep.
Just rest then and eat well, gets lots of sleep and gentle exercise. I hope you have someone to come and check on you - do you have family or a home nurse who can come & see how you are?
I hope so and I hope you are feeling a wee bit better today