i'm still not sure about micro wave ovens, do they really do harm to the food they cook?
I don't see how.
Hi Magenta. Microwaves were discovered during the 40tees when chocolate started to melt in the pockets of people standing in the radar room. They then used it during WWII in radars to spot Nazi war planes and in 1954 Percy Spencer came up with the idea to start to cook food with it and invented the Radar Range, which then later was called the "microwave oven", as it sounded better.
The microwaves in an oven are meant to shake the water cells and thus create heat. The difference between a mobile and a microwave oven is basically the power density meaning the power by which the frequency is pushed out. A microwave oven is wired electricity and has both LF or low electrical fields and EMF, or electromagnetic fields. They are both low frequency but the electromagntic fields do reach way further than the electrical fields, just like the base and treble in music. When I assess homes for microwave radiation I have had clients who owned a microwave ovens, though were few so far.
Testing with my EMF (TF2) meter for magnetic fields always shows levels of the roof but they drop off to a safe levels when you stand at a 2.5-3.0 meter distance. 30+mG close by is easily possible. :-(
Now studies have shown that for example children with leukemia had a 2.6 times higher mortality rate, when their house had just 1-2 Milligaus; sperm damage occurs at 1.6mG and so safe EMF levels are considered 0.3mG.. Government standards are set to a whopping 3000mG, to avoid litigation, so that will never happen as it would destroy a nation. Imagine that every single street in the nation needed to be rewired with shielded cables and power lines were going to be removed away from houses, not even talking about the thoudands who died from cancer and would sue.
Because a microwave oven is connected to the grid (either 110V or 240V) it has far more power density to push out the frequency and it cooks the meat fast than your mobile which uses the same frequency but only pushes it out via a battery so the "cooking" as some call it much slower. The frequency is virtually the same so you could compare it to one person singing a note or say 1 billion people singing that same note. The volume would be much bigger. There are plenty of studies that show that microwaves harm our bodies going all the way back to the 70tees and earlier (over 20.000+ non industry funded studies by independent scientists BUT as far that I know, not that many studies were done on food.
While we know that the high frequency (wireless radiation) used in microwave ovens, DECT phones, baby monitors mobiles and routers is virtually all the same and that WiFi just at 2.4Ghz (the Stewart Report 2000 advised not to have a mobile phone tower emitting 900Mhz within 100 meters of a school yard which was 2.5 times less) causes harm in numerous way to the body, it is sad that people still haven’t connected to dots but that's also they haven't been taught that our nerves endings are not made for AC or alternating current in general. I will leave it here or this post will never stop. Here are some studies you can look at. Cheers.
https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/131/3/1054S/4687116 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09064719950135623 and then there are some studies taken from the 20.000+ studies out there on our Clinic’s website
http://en.geovital.com/research The Bio-Initiative Report 2012 has 3800 studies and is freely available online. They might have more studies for you.