I'm glad you got a lol out of it,
like most scriptures or things written you read it all wrong i did not say it like that,
funny most wars and corruption are created by misconception of narrow mindedness, I stated" or the thug struggling to make ends meet opens fire on someone trying to break into his home. I did not ask the question, I answered it in a manner it was relatable to all. I'm no thug either, things are different over here in little New Zealand but untill recent times with the massacre in Christchurch we could not comprehend the evilness of such acts, it was not till directly after our gun laws changed to prevent such things happening easier after all New Zealand was targeted only because the simple fact that type of artillery was legal to purchase here. I understand a man is man, but the old ways an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth will never change nothing, therefore the human race will never change.
Sorry my feelings on this matter are not of yours, an without a doubt possibly if i was living in your country my opinion would be different.
My final word my fellow friends guns don't kill people, people kill people and for yoursake i hope none of yous are put in a position to have to pull the trigger and end ones life no matter the situations. From the depths of my heart I'm saddened the views of fellow followers of such a holy man could so easily take a life.
God in Christ forgave you." ... "The Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."