Perspective counts for so much. I remember hosting a bible study in my house. Some of the members went into my study area, the walls were lined with books. The study leader's wife came out, pointed at me and announced that I had some really warped things in my library. I was mortified. I had no clue what she was talking about. As a medical social worker and former history major, I had all types of subjects. I had a bookcase full of sunday funnies comic books, some really great obscure ones from other cultures. She said it had witches and twisted things on the cover. She took off before I could respond. I went upstairs to look as to what had caused this response. There was one book on top of the pile she pulled out. The books? The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, The Lord of the Rings trilogy(about a decade before everyone claimed to love it) and another one, by a lesser known writer that had two groups opposing each other, the legalists and extreme liberals. The cover was fanciful and the writing was great. It was designed to make you think rather than declare a judgement.
I think my point is that you have to have peace with your own choices. That you would decide not to share something here, so as not to make someone stumble, is noble. It is using discernment. Another forum might be better suited. That doesn't mean that you are on the wrong track. If that is an issue, if you have some doubts about what you are producing, if it causing people to lust by objectifying women, then it is a good thing to review. Maybe you have a great pic that would still be great with some edits. Only you know the truth. As a sci fi geek and your sister in Christ I encourage you to explore your creativity and to be at peace. Hugs, Deb