A land owner went out early in the morning
to hire laborers to work in his vineyard. He
told the ones who came how much he would
pay. As the day wore on, others came and
he put them to work and near the end of the
day the eleventh worker came when the work
was nearly done and the landowner hired him
as well. When it came time to pay he called
the last worker and paid him a certain sum.
Looking at that, the other workers felt they
would get more. But when the landowner
paid them the same amount, they began to
grumble. The landowner told them he paid
them exactly what he promised to pay.
Thus, the last will be first and the first will be
last. In my view that leads to future scripture.
It does not matter how much we work or what
we work at, God gave us salvation at no cost
to us. We don't compare ourselves to others.
It is only up to us to say "Yes we believe you
are my Lord and my God'. It is by grace we
are saved through faith. If it was by our own
design and merit, I'd believe that none of
us would get there. Some may say I'm not
worthy well before we proclaim Jesus as our
savior none of us is worthy.
Christ crucified changed all of that.
It is love that will take us home to His heavenly
mansion. Our endless love will show the way.
to hire laborers to work in his vineyard. He
told the ones who came how much he would
pay. As the day wore on, others came and
he put them to work and near the end of the
day the eleventh worker came when the work
was nearly done and the landowner hired him
as well. When it came time to pay he called
the last worker and paid him a certain sum.
Looking at that, the other workers felt they
would get more. But when the landowner
paid them the same amount, they began to
grumble. The landowner told them he paid
them exactly what he promised to pay.
Thus, the last will be first and the first will be
last. In my view that leads to future scripture.
It does not matter how much we work or what
we work at, God gave us salvation at no cost
to us. We don't compare ourselves to others.
It is only up to us to say "Yes we believe you
are my Lord and my God'. It is by grace we
are saved through faith. If it was by our own
design and merit, I'd believe that none of
us would get there. Some may say I'm not
worthy well before we proclaim Jesus as our
savior none of us is worthy.
Christ crucified changed all of that.
It is love that will take us home to His heavenly
mansion. Our endless love will show the way.
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