There is a lot of political talk about taxing big companies and taxing the rich today.
People need to understand a simple fact.
Any time taxes are increased on any company, that tax is passed on to the consumer.
Every company or business has a certain amount of profit that it must make to remain in business.
If that profit is not made, the business will close.
Same can be said of the rich.
They decide how much they need each year to continue their lifestyle and will find a way to make it.
Any increase in taxes, guess who will pay, the consumer.
I ran my own business for 47 years and every year I determined how much money I need to make to make the 60-70 hours a week I worked worthwhile and set my prices accordingly.
When cost went up, whether cost of product, labor, TAXES, my prices went up accordingly.
Everything the government promises to give you has a price and that price will ultimately be pay by you the consumer.
People need to understand a simple fact.
Any time taxes are increased on any company, that tax is passed on to the consumer.
Every company or business has a certain amount of profit that it must make to remain in business.
If that profit is not made, the business will close.
Same can be said of the rich.
They decide how much they need each year to continue their lifestyle and will find a way to make it.
Any increase in taxes, guess who will pay, the consumer.
I ran my own business for 47 years and every year I determined how much money I need to make to make the 60-70 hours a week I worked worthwhile and set my prices accordingly.
When cost went up, whether cost of product, labor, TAXES, my prices went up accordingly.
Everything the government promises to give you has a price and that price will ultimately be pay by you the consumer.
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