Akannirose, I was also where you are when I was a new Christian. I was immobilized with fear and anxiety! Even my sleep was disturbed with fearful thoughts. My abusive foster parents had used scripture to manipulate my siblings and me for years and we were terrified of them AND God. Even still, God is greater than fear. He delivered me from those lies!
I can assure you, nothing will ever separate you from God's love. Nothing! Not your fears, not angels or demons, nor things yesterday, things today, nor things tomorrow. N-o-t-h-i-n-g can take you out of God's hands. The Word tells us that. It's Christ in you molding you into His image, and He will complete the work in you. You can rest. Literally. You can trust Him no matter what you're feeling.
I ain't terrified of the Lord now. I reverence Him because He's holy and also love Him so much because He's my best and closest Friend, my loving and faithful Father, my mighty God and King.