My understanding is... that the people who will be living on the earth during the specific, future, limited time period that the bulk of Revelation is covering, will indeed
be ABLE to grasp what all of the time-stamps and time-related info (supplied therein) mean, in the context of the time period they will be existing in (and this is why our Lord actually had those things written/disclosed there

). Of course, we know that not everyone will heed His Word at that time (for example, 2Th chpts 1:10b and 2:10-12 show
the contrasting beliefs of those existing "in that day" [not a 24-hr day, mind you]), the "
in quickness [noun]" time period that the "future" aspects of the Book cover [4:1/1:19c and 1:1/22:6] (i.e. the 7 yrs leading UP TO Christ's Second Coming
to the earth, FOR the promised and prophesied
earthly Millennial Kingdom). "...
the wise will understand" (context: trib yrs)
note: I do not believe "the Church which is His body" will be present on the earth during that specific, future, limited time period (the "in quickness [noun]" time period/the trib/ as
Rom16:20's "in quickness [noun]" applies to "the Church
which is His body" (by contrast) and this will involve
our being located
elsewhere, during that specific time period (1Cor6:3[14], etc)]
There is nothing in Scripture that forbids us from examining what all Scripture itself has to say on the subject, and I believe it is
abundant (much more than we commonly realize, IMHO).