I've taken up the shield of faith by praying in different "scenarios" for others and myself and trusting God and His timing. Sometimes i have to tell my own mind to shut up because at that time i don't have the mind of Christ, i find being still and just knowing God is in control is sometimes better (for me) than quoting scriptures or whatever.
God is always faithful to me no matter the circumstance sometimes He just answers me in a way that i didn't expect or i may have preferred a different way. Other times i ask and He answers straight away. One time i was in a pretty dire situation, i physically couldn't escape, i literally whispered "Jesus help me" and a way of escape was provided immediately. God is always faithful.
I'm reminded of a video i watched that speaks of how Paul would of seen Roman soldiers and how they prepared their shield. The video mentioned how each soldier was measured so that their shield would cater for their specific height and width, it shielded them from the front completely. We too are given the measure of faith not to say that we have more faith than another or vice versa but like the soldiers, the measure of faith we have is enough to cover us when an attack comes. They would also, rub it with oil to keep it pliable and stop it from becoming brittle, we too can keep from "becoming brittle" by remaining in the presence of God, the anointing that comes from the Holy Spirit. Before battle they would douche it in water so that if they were the target of combustible arrows the arrows would hit the shield com bust but soon after extinguish, they wouldn't know it was a combustible arrow until it hit, sometimes we can be "suddenly" hit by a fiery dart but when we soak in the Word of God we a washed by the water of the Word, the truth of the Word of God keeps us moving in faith. Just thought i'd share that