I googled The Revival Fellowship and Australia and a very disturbing (to say the least) article immediately came up!

Watchout Australia!!
Posted by:
Date: March 10, 2003 10:02PM
For those that may not be aware, there are several extremely dangerous groups promoting themselves to be 'the only way' into the kingdom of God.
They are as follows:
The Revival Fellowship
Revival Centres International
Geelong Revival Centres
Christian Assemblies International.
They all splintered from one man, Lloyd Longfield and the Revival Centres International are now run by his son.
Common characteristics to all groups include but not limited to:-
Extremely bigoted attitude towards other christian groups, even to eachother
Promoting a 'one way' doctrine to heaven
Promoting a 'tongues only' salvation
Promoting racism through British Israel
Promoting Legalism through a huge list of rules
Claiming that all their teachings are Bible Based and that any other christian group is in apostate, including the other groups mentioned
Strong anti-catholic message
Bizzare Paranoid conspiracy theorys about persecution and doomsday prohpecies that are not based in truth
No official training allowed for Pastors or Members
Members are not allowed to fellowship with anyone outside of group unless potential recruit
Members aren't allowed to marry outside of group
Members must live with other members
Spying is encouraged and people must report everything to oversite
Any comments against oversite is labelled 'divisive' and people are disfellowshipped
There have been allegations of sexual abuse and misuse of tithes, Cult leader bought a huge mansion in Melbourne, another from the Revival Fellowship recently bought a very expensive beachfront house in Narabeen (Sydney) despite not working for past 7 years.
Members are strongly urged to cut contact with friends and family
Members are told they are 'not safe' outside the group
Members are strictly forbidden studying the scriptures outside the group
Members are forbidden to discuss the bible without a pastor present
Members are strongly urged to give 10% or more of their income
Members expected to dedicate an extreme amount of time to the group, ie Wednesday night house meeting, Friday night fellowship, Saturday activities and two meetings on a Sunday. Any member not attending all activities is questioned and either disfellowshiped or told to 'clean up their act'.
Ex members shunned by cult members.
Any problems a member has is encouraged to be 'overcome' by intense tounges session and 'guidance' from the Pastor.
Oversite claim to be without sin
Oversite claim to be 'led by the Lord' when making decisions about doctrine or any decision for that matter.
Members are told to blindly 'obey them that have the rule over you' and obey oversite, no matter what the personal consequences.
Members must divorce if their spouse becomes an ex member
High pressure 'Black and white' view
Extreme high pressure witnessing
Zero tolerance for fornicators (Revival Centres International) - fornicators are O-U-T for good 'post spirit filled'
Members must move where there is an 'assembly'
Members not allowed in pubs, even if not drinking
Drinking is not allowed
The list goes on.
Some ex members have committed suicide, and nearly all ex members feel severely lost, depressed, daised, like they've 'left the Lord' (leaving the group is in their eyes 'blasphemy of the Holy Ghost' speaking against the group is 'blashpemy of the Holy Ghost') many refuse to fellowship in other churches, many have nightmares about nuclear devastation. Members are kept in the dark over all financial issues, no-one is accountable for tithes etc.
There is a good website explaining the horrible abuse that goes on in this place, it would be good if anyone could spread the word as I personally have suffered tremendous anguish at the hands of two of the above organisations.
Click here to view more of the devastation caused by these groups that
claim to be the only true church since pentecost.
Thank you.