When He has used me for a owrk He would give me what to do by the Holy Spirit. No words, just uinderstanding what He wanted, with details.
He showed me a vision where all souls were on a precipice of a seemingly bottomless drop off into blackness but another mass of land was across the way. oN THAT LAND MASS WAS A WEE light THE BECKENED ALL WITH A KIND OF MESSAGE, "bELIEVE AND you may cross over." That was when I was about six or seven..
He spoke to mein a dream once about the Children of Israel, how if they HAD NOT BEEN DISOBEDIENT IN THE wILDERNESS, THE NATIONS WOULD NEVER HAVE GAINED SALVATION FOR THEY WOULD haVE BEEN CONSIDERED His perfect people and ll others would haveremained dpagans (nations).
And more, but by now most hae alredy stopped reading to scoff...All blessings in Jesus, Yeshua..j