Your belief in God comes by faith and that faith comes by hearing. But don't be a hearer only but a doer. For that measure of faith you have to believe what you have heard is a gift from God.
True faith in God is in a action not a acknowledgement. We are first asked to repent from our sinful ways. To repent means to turn away from. We are then asked to lay down our lives. This means to stop pursuing our own worldly ambitious and allowing the Christ to come into our heart and mind excepting him as your savior and Lord over all. This does not mean you quit your job, divorce your wife, and such but to be willing to give over all that you have.
We are then asked to be baptized, this event is asked of Jesus it does not secure our salvation nor does it take away from our relationship but Jesus had asked for us to be baptized so I will not excluded it.
That small measure of faith that God has given you will grow as you hear and do what he has commanded bringing you into the mind set of Jesus himself as you seek first the kingdom of God.
Ok,i like this reply because the walk is like looking at plywood in a cross section. Each layer adds to its strength and integrity.
So faith is a part of the whole.
But what did Jesus say? He said if you have tiny tiny faith as small as a mustard seed,you shall command mountains to move and they WILL"
Now i like that.
Peter walked on water with tiny faith.
That part where he did his water walk is a great lesson on what a sliver of faith can do,and how the believer wrecks his own faith.
What a powerhouse of information.
What initiated Peters miracle?
1 inspiration when he saw Jesus.
So get inspired,and "see" Jesus.Dont listen to cessationists. That wrecks faith.
2 learn to hear his " now voice" (it was peters desire for his ears to hear Jesus say "come") he told Jesus to activate his faith by letting a rhema word come into his ear gates. "Come!!"
That alone will go a million miles
It was on those 2 things that peter did that miracle.
Inspiration,and personal rhema faith building word.
The failure involved the eyes.
Your eyes will help or wreck your faith.