I was baptized and raised as a Catholic, have been confirmed, and had attended weekly catechism classes for years. I no longer attend weekly mass but have attended other services in different denominations.
While I do not agree with all of the Catholic doctrine and practices I have felt more at peace in my mind and heart while attending mass than what I felt in other church services. Somehow, I have found the other church services to be spiritually lacking as if they were somehow incomplete. Regardless, I have felt closer to God while attending mass than the other churches I have been to.
I don't believe that praying to Mary is scriptural but do believe that many take comfort in praying to her as she is perceived as being caring and loving, and that God understands the human condition quite well and takes this into consideration.
I believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, three separate unique entities comprising one God. I too am a follower of Christ and hope to one day be considered a man of God as well.
I pray that being confirmed into the Catholic church becomes a blessing to you. Perhaps you could light a candle for me if you think about it. I would sincerely appreciate this gesture.