I have read a lot of post in here and have posted alot. I have learned to eat the fruit of some and spit out the seeds. I have learned a great deal in my short stay here mostly things I never considered which makes me dig deeper into the word. Then there are other post which I have read and to be quite frank grieve my spirit. Not convict but grieve.
As I have posted before I love to fellowship with the saints and worship with them as often as I can. To get to the point of this thread I have seen swords drawn the minute one finds out a different denomination has entered the chat. Then the super duper software begins to unravel these long post to prove a point. Derailing a thread and making a train wreck out of it has been a practice which has to stop. In John 12:32 Jesus says he will draw all men unto him and as I have observed in the gospels when a fish was caught Jesus was always the one to clean it. In John 1:45-46 a question arises could any good come out of Nazareth? Jesus also was plagued with a stigma and this not being the only one ,reference to his parents, etc are all through the gospels. To judge a person from a place they are from is wrong. I personally (and I could be wrong) have never heard of any one converted by the doctrine of the church, only by the preaching of Christ. Let us not be as the church of Ephesus busy proving a point and busy doing the things of God but forgetting why and who. The gospels are th he word of God and has the power to change hearts, and this is the Lord's first desire. Billy Graham preached nothing but the simple message, Paul preached Christ only I think they are fine examples to start out with. The epistles have there place and also sound doctrine I do not dispute that. But for the love of God and the sake to draw all men preach the gospel.
As I have posted before I love to fellowship with the saints and worship with them as often as I can. To get to the point of this thread I have seen swords drawn the minute one finds out a different denomination has entered the chat. Then the super duper software begins to unravel these long post to prove a point. Derailing a thread and making a train wreck out of it has been a practice which has to stop. In John 12:32 Jesus says he will draw all men unto him and as I have observed in the gospels when a fish was caught Jesus was always the one to clean it. In John 1:45-46 a question arises could any good come out of Nazareth? Jesus also was plagued with a stigma and this not being the only one ,reference to his parents, etc are all through the gospels. To judge a person from a place they are from is wrong. I personally (and I could be wrong) have never heard of any one converted by the doctrine of the church, only by the preaching of Christ. Let us not be as the church of Ephesus busy proving a point and busy doing the things of God but forgetting why and who. The gospels are th he word of God and has the power to change hearts, and this is the Lord's first desire. Billy Graham preached nothing but the simple message, Paul preached Christ only I think they are fine examples to start out with. The epistles have there place and also sound doctrine I do not dispute that. But for the love of God and the sake to draw all men preach the gospel.
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