The best example of this is Noah:
Noah didnt prove his message was from God through any miracles like the Apostles did. Yet Noah was right, he was the man of God.
So my question is: WHY does God use humans? Wouldn't it be much more effective to just appear to everyone in Noah's day and send them an angel or appearing from God, a supernatural encounter telling them "HEY, Repent or a floods coming". Most people would heed that warning.
If Jesus came to me right now and said "build a boat" I'd start building right away, "Yes, Lord". BUT, if some human came to me and said: "You need to build a boat or else" i'd tell him "you're crazy! leave me alone!"
No doubt I would of drowned in Noah's day lol.
Why does God use humans, instead of appearing to the people directly, does the Bible answer this question?
God uses humans because we are of no other species but humans, and we are not an animal, lol.
I think it is a faith thing concerning that, for if God is in contact with a certain human, and then they relate it to other people it is of faith, for if God went directly to the people to relate to them, then they would believe without a doubt, and would of complied, and abandoned their wickedness, nothing wavering.
That means if God was always to deal directly with people at all times, then nobody would ever be wrong with God, and then there is no choice then.
For who would go against God when you know without a doubt that He is God, and so powerful, and great, that you would dare not go against Him, but always be on His side.
Everybody that God has dealt with directly in the Bible are saved, and did great things for God, for they would dare not go against Him, for they know they cannot prosper, and will surely lose, and know it for a truth, and would not doubt.
Jesus said Thomas believed because he has seen, but blessed is the person that has not seen but believes, because it is faith.
Which the disciples, and Paul, and some others did not have to have faith, for they knew it was true without a doubt, for they have seen.
God uses humans, which are not very many that He relates to directly, because we have a choice in our salvation, and if God always dealed directly with all people it would appear everybody would be saved.
How do people believe today without any miracle happening, but signs, and wonders, are supposed to follow the saints, but many turn to God without the signs, and wonders.
Also creation testifies of a God, and that He is love, so the world has no excuse, without the signs, and wonders.
Also God might of not wanted to give the people at the flood a chance at repenting of their sins, but it was too late, which the only reasoning for that is the fallen angels interacted with them which caused them to be continually evil with no reversal.
Which will happen in the future at the beast kingdom for the devils will interact with the wicked, and the will be continually evil with no reversal after they take the mark of the beast, which has to do with technology to keep track of all citizens of the world, like a GPS for humans, to cut down on crime.
Ask Trump about that, for he is putting it out there concerning 9/11 that it could of been prevented if they had the chip implemented for those on temporary visas, and the ball is rolling.
Noah did not need to preach to them, because repentance was not available to them because they were continually evil with no reversal, and for God to go against everybody testifies of that for there was nobody doing good.
Like at Sodom and Gomorrah there was not one righteous, for if there had been some righteous God would of not overthrown them, but there was none righteous so God overthrew them all.
At the flood there was none righteous besides Noah and his family, so God overthrew them all, so there was no need to do anything to reach out to them for it was too late they had been tainted that much because of the fallen angels.
Because people without great influence by the devils would never be that wicked to where there is no reversal, which God going against all the world testifies that the devils did taint them.
With Jonah concerning Nineveh there was reversal, and they heeded, with the 2 men concerning Sodom and Gomorrah there was reversal, but they did not heed, but with the people at the flood there was no reversal, so no need to preach to them.
For God said build the boat, get on it, get the animals on it, and I will flood the world, and nothing needs to be said to the world, which it is the only time there was no reversal until the beast kingdom, and they take the mark of the beast, then there is no reversal for they are like back at the flood continually evil.
Even at the tower of Babel there was reversal, which God caused them to spread out, and not be able to communicate with each other, but at the flood no reversal, no need to preach, so Noah's job was only for him, and his family, for look how big the boat was, not that big concerning the amount of people at the time of the flood, so God had no intention of saving them for they were too far gone, and could not be saved.
I do not believe anybody could of been saved at the time of the flood, but Noah and his family, which I had to think about it for I do not want to say it hastily seeing it is the word of God.