I've had a run in recently with my aunt. (fathers SIL) She is a very outspoken person and known to lose her temper to the post of giving that person a good cussing out. Now she and my uncle just started attending church a year or so ago. She and I became really close just the last few years. But now we've had a serious run in and I'm not sure how to make peace with her without letting her think she can blast me one when she disagrees with me.
The thing is she got involved in another family matter that wasn't her business. Then she told me I was bitter,un-Christian and unforgiving even though she knew nothing about the situation or what was said. She informed me she "knew the Bible too" and sent me verses on forgiving. I was at a total loss and then she called my mother and let slip that she had Googled the Bible verses. Now I've never used the Bible against my uncle and aunt,even though they weren't Christians all these years. Never threw Scripture at them,never made them feel like they were sinners. So I have no idea where this all came from. Then she gets on FB and starts posting things against me,you know how people do,not saying it was me but acting like "I'm mad at someone,guess who?"
All that to say this,how do you make peace with a person that never apologizes and believes they are 100% right. My uncle is afraid of setting her off. She called my father, and said she hasn't slept in three nights and she wants to settle it between us. I blocked her on FB because I didn't see talking was going to solve the issue. I told my hubby I don't want family drama this year and not even a week in and this happens. Now I have my father wanting me to make peace and I'd like to,but I don't see it happening unless I take all the blame and say I was wrong. Any thoughts on how to handle it. Any HELPFUL,not judging thoughts? lol
The thing is she got involved in another family matter that wasn't her business. Then she told me I was bitter,un-Christian and unforgiving even though she knew nothing about the situation or what was said. She informed me she "knew the Bible too" and sent me verses on forgiving. I was at a total loss and then she called my mother and let slip that she had Googled the Bible verses. Now I've never used the Bible against my uncle and aunt,even though they weren't Christians all these years. Never threw Scripture at them,never made them feel like they were sinners. So I have no idea where this all came from. Then she gets on FB and starts posting things against me,you know how people do,not saying it was me but acting like "I'm mad at someone,guess who?"
All that to say this,how do you make peace with a person that never apologizes and believes they are 100% right. My uncle is afraid of setting her off. She called my father, and said she hasn't slept in three nights and she wants to settle it between us. I blocked her on FB because I didn't see talking was going to solve the issue. I told my hubby I don't want family drama this year and not even a week in and this happens. Now I have my father wanting me to make peace and I'd like to,but I don't see it happening unless I take all the blame and say I was wrong. Any thoughts on how to handle it. Any HELPFUL,not judging thoughts? lol
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