The devil is a liar, and you Ricky are an overcomer in Christ Jesus. May you keep your focus on the Shepherds staff as you follow Him cos He is Faithful. He will make a way. May you draw close to the One who is not afar off and hear His counsel, the words of Life... may you believe His report and reject any lies that come your way.. May God strengthen you by His Spirit to stay focused on the Good fight, and what our weapons are against the darkness for you have been delivered from the power of darkness, and brought into the Light from the power of Satan unto the power of God for power and mercy belong to God and you Ricky belong to God cos Jesus bought you with His precious blood so pray you listen to the Truth and don’t believe the lies, in Jesus name Amen. Take good care. Be at Peace, Jesus has brought you near as the Father is very near to you. Keep the faith Ricky! Believe what Jesus has done, is doing and will do, for you.