Dear Gemmy, that devil is a liar and is an accuser. Please don’t listen, and put your shield up against these attacks cos The Shield of Faith has a purpose. It works!
You are worth than many sparrows you know! Jesus loves you, and you’re not alone even if it feels like it.
You have a friend for life now in Christ Jesus, and a new identity!!! You’re not alone in this.
It’s a battle for sure. We can’t overcome by our own strength, we have to draw in close to Jesus, remember The Cross.. The resurrection power, it’s purpose, He came to bring us Life, to lead us into Liberty and Love. Forgiveness, a new purpose in life, it’s just hard at times when things come at us from all directions, and the enemy is chucking a load of crap at us and getting us down, but we must listen and follow The One who has the Words of Eternal Life, seeking His face, and counsel. In His strength we can get through every valley. In His strength we overcome the hard times.
We can be honest with our Father and our Saviour Jesus Gemmy, even if we’re angry.. He can take it, He can take our anger, heck He knows anyway so it’s better to take it all to God and tell Him what’s happening and what we’re angry or upset about rather than try to cope with it ourselves. I’ve felt anger, still do sometimes, but every time it comes back, I know now to get on my knees, cry out to God. Go boldly to The Throne.. remember the Cross, consider Jesus’ body, seek godly counsel.
.... do you have the ability to go on a Christian retreat, for a rest and some prayer with good Christian women who are trained to counsel you in your need? Who will pray with you, leading you to Jesus. Sometime places have a space for free depending on the need and if finances are a barrier to receiving this type of ministry.
Same with Christian counsellors, they could help you so much... there is help out there.. in the body of Christ. We all need Support sometimes. Seasons.... (((again, the good counsellors and ministers point you to Jesus Christ)))
Please don’t let the enemy drag you down, heck don’t let no one drag you down girl! May His Holy Spirit comfort you, help you and lead you.. may Truth replace these attacks and the attacks fade away. God bless you.
Keep the faith hold on, listen to words of life.. sorry if I went on a bit, just wanted to encourage you. I’ll be thinking of you, I know the struggle, it’s hard sometimes, sometimes even looks impossible but its possible to overcome and you have Hope and a future with Jesus with you to help you and you’ll get stronger with Him, in Him, through Him, with His help. Keep on keeping on with Him. Don’t let go of Jesus. Praying for you, for Jesus to take your hand and lead you into liberty, hope, peace, abundance of life, confidence, assurance of forgiveness, strength, peace of heard & mind, comfort and to a good sound trustworthy, reliable friend.