I'm pretty sure the US politicians don't want any kind of immigration control. There may be a few who do, but by far, most want the illegal migrants to continue coming in unchecked. And it's because of their own tax structure. Democrats and republicans are basically slavemasters like always. They're exploiting the migrants for cheap labor. They're keeping eggs for 2 bucks and milk for 3. They're keeping the builders happy with unchecked labor. The migrants are here illegally and they work illegally. There is child labor. There is pay below the minimum. The migrants are not covered by any insurances - no workman's comp. No health insurance. If one of them gets hurt, the nearest emergency room pays. Life is good for the farming CoOp's, the REIT industry, the chicken producers, etc and they will continue to bankroll the politician's campaigns, the migrant isn't held to the same governmental standards as the American citizen, and the government doesn't care because of my 3rd sentence - the tax structure is set up so no real income is paid through taxes anyway for these kinds of jobs, so - no big loss. It's a Ponzi scheme of unbelievable proportions and nobody's going to do anything about it. Americans will keep eating their 1 dollar lettuce and get their lawns mowed for $20 and buy into all this talk of compassion for your fellow man. It'd be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.