So you all call your friends by there title.
So what your sayings is his disciples would have called him Christ.
Also Paul was a servant of Jesus.
Also are you really sure that Christ wasn't added to dilute the name of Jesus.
You know, like Christ Mas
About what we call names today. They are not quite the same, not with the majority that is, as they were in the times of the Word past.
Michael is all one thinks of when they hear it they just think, a guy's name but it is from the Hebrew and it does not just label a person, but describes what attributes they duibber may hav prayed over the named. Michael means one who is like kGod…….Like when the Angel, Michael, came to help Daniel and was delayed by the adversary when He came to Daniel's aid.
Bethlehem is just the name of a town to so many,but if you break down what the words are that make up that name in Hebrew, Beit Lechem, you have house of Bread, and how beffitting is this since the Bread from Heaven first came to that House.
Jesus is not just a name, it has been transliterated twice from its original Yeshua, of if you have this accent, Yahwhua. It became Iesous in Greek then Yesu in Latin and came to English as Jesus.
The original, Yeshua, is composed of the words, The salvation of Yah(weh). Now when the Angel told Mary to call the babe Yeshua because He shall save His people, it tends to make all kinds of sense.
These descriptive titles for so many have evovled inot just nice sounding appellations for peple, but they mean oh so much more, and usually they bless all.
I will call you Benjamin……..that means favored son, colloquially son of the right d you like them pickles!? Good stuff. God bless you.