so you agree with Einstein
did you know Schrodinger intended it as rubbish? he came up with that example to demonstrate how absurd the Copenhagen interpretation is. so you agree with him, too.
I disagree with all of them, their descriptions, their theories, and their explanations.
I also disagree with evolutionists, most geologists, plate tectonics, most paleontologists and so on and so forth. Come to think of it, I disagree with almost everybody who is not Christian.
BTW, there is compelling evidence that "gravity" was significantly less in the not too distant past....
Megafauna of the scale that once lived is quite impossible today.
Just a reminder, Christ was "creating" matter (food, wine), healing on the fly day in and day out, defying "gravity" and so on and so forth with the greatest of ease and effortlessly, violating all supposed natural laws. This power and matter simply entering our "physical dimension" from the spiritual dimension at His whim. Sounds an awful lot like space and counterspace to me.